Firstly, when you sign up for Flirt Book, you will be registered and redirected to This is fairly common, so don’t be put off, it’s not a scam. It’s just part of a URL direct.
They have been operating for a number of years and have great success. There are hundreds of users waiting to find a partner in crime – for whatever reason. Here’s your chance.
If you aren’t convinced by the website front or aren’t sure of its legitimacy, pop your beady little eyes over this and rest assured, we’ve got you covered.
How easy is it to sign up?
Sign up for this site was over in seconds. There were 3 initial questions to answer, one of which being the above – I’ve never been asked this before when joining a site. Part of me wants to snigger at the picture but ignoring the bigger picture would be ignorant and well, plain stupid. The site advertises safe sex practises with a minimal approach and that’s actually a good thing. Why? It’s a step in the right direction and may actually make members consider their health and others around them. Kudos!
After accepting the ‘I play by the rules’ button, the redirection to xmeeting happens and you select a username, password and email. Once you’ve verified your email address, you are good to go.
A hassle free sign up, not too many questions and the questions they do ask are so minimal you’ll be happy to oblige.
You have to register to this site to use it, if you don’t accept the terms you’ll hit a brick wall and will miss out. When you do register, you have a ‘standard’ membership which is basically a free membership.
The free membership allows you to have a good old poke around and ‘like’ profiles, you can receive and read messages but you can’t send them. That’s ok though because this gives you good practise to make a concrete profile that makes the girls come to you. Your milkshake, does it bring all the girls to the yard?
With a free account you can still do searches to look for matches but realistically if you actually want to make proper contact with anyone, you’ll need to upgrade to a premium account so you can send messages.
A premium account is going to get you into those special features such as ‘updates’, if you change your photo it will show up in the feed – like on social media. This has more weight in it than you think, imagine logging on and seeing a hot woman in the updates bar because she posted a picture of her in a tight dress. Immediately you think, phhhaaawww and you click on her profile. Who’s to say this can’t work for you? You’ll also appear higher in the search results so there’s a lot of priority perks for premium members.
Cost: premium memberships are done via monthly charge but you’ll get a discount for the longer period. In terms of value, go for the 6 month deal with a lower monthly cost, sure you may only want a months’ worth but the discount you’ll get on the 6 month one will pay for several months compared to the one month charge.
- Live videos links – xmeeting have their very own webcam site for you to look at too.
For premium members – Free xxx movies. Start your engines, gentlemen.
- The meeting centre has a variety of different views, such as who had liked you and who you like plus views in a similar manner, meaning you can stay on one page.
- This also includes the online now feature.
- Updates – for premium users, you can post an update to help your chances of being spotted and to join in with the social spirit.
- Latest profiles, this shows you the newest profiles but for convenience it will show you the premium members first. Remember they are more likely candidates.
Worth the hassle?
Well yes and no, firstly the sign up is greatly hassle free and really quick. They were super quick at sending the verification email too. But, I have seen better sites.
That being said, they obviously care about their users by promoting safe sex and reminding users they are responsible for preventing STD’s.
Can you find someone here? Yes, you can find someone anywhere to be honest, you just need patience and possibly some $$ to upgrade your membership.
It doesn’t feel like you get an amazing amount for your money here but if you consider the quality of users you get here instead, it makes up for it. What I mean by this is, it may attract slightly different people to those sites that have a lot of porn or explicit material or sex games.
Also if you just want a simple site with a few features and want to showcase your charm, this is a good site to do it because you won’t get bogged down by all the special effects or silly add ons.
You won’t know until you try it, right?